What the world’s most successful people eat for breakfast

What the world’s most successful people eat for breakfast

Richard Branson-A bowl of muesli and fruit salad

Richard Branson-A bowl of muesli and fruit salad

John Mackey-A green smoothie, packed with fresh fruit and either kale or spinach

John Mackey-A green smoothie, packed with fresh fruit and either kale or spinach

Barack Obama- Eggs (up to six in one sitting reportedly), toast, fruit and porridge.

Barack Obama- Eggs (up to six in one sitting reportedly), toast, fruit and porridge.

Jack Dorsey- Two boiled eggs and soy sauce

Jack Dorsey- Two boiled eggs and soy sauce

Mark Zuckerberg- he simply tucks into ‘whatever’ takes his fancy before getting on with his day

Mark Zuckerberg- he simply tucks into ‘whatever’ takes his fancy before getting on with his day

Bill Gates- he started his day with a bowl of Cocoa Puffs.

Bill Gates- he started his day with a bowl of Cocoa Puffs.

Elon Musk- Coffee and an omelette.

Elon Musk- Coffee and an omelette.