Tasty Omelette Pizza Recipe:

1.1st cutting 2 medium size onion in small pieces.

2. After that  cut a medium size potato.

3.Take a frying pan and heat 2 tbsp olive oil in it .

4. When the oil heat then add the onion and potato small cutting pieces in frying pan and fry them well. leave it for 5-6 minute for saute.

5. Then we take a bowl and in it we take only white part of four eggs and 2 whole eggs.

6.We add corianer leaves in it increase the flavor.

7. Next we will add half spoon of red chilli powder and half spoon of salt after beat them well.

8. Then add potatoes and onions which are frying previous few minutes ago

9. Then add a spoonful of olive oil and spread it well in frying pan.

10. After add the mixture in it and cook it for 3 minutes.

11. After 3 minutes when the omelette are well cook then take a plate and serve the omelette pizza.