How to Make The Best Pesto Pasta Recipe

 It’s a very simple & quick recipe. Let’s see how to make Pesto. In a chopper add 2-3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, 1 clove of garlic, and 4-5 walnuts, & add a pinch of salt & grind it nicely. We grind them before as we want the nuts (walnuts) & the garlic to nicely get crushed. Because after that when we add basil, we don’t have to grind for longer which will avoid heat generating in the grinder.

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 So, you can see everything is nicely blended & emulsified.

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At this stage, I’ve taken a big bunch or 100 grams of cleaned basil leaves. I’m adding 50 grams of grated parmesan cheese here, & I’m adding 1 tbsp more of extra virgin olive oil.

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Now, you have to grind this pesto. Don’t make this into a very fine paste. Grind it coarsely. In between I’ll remove the lid & add some more oil & in total, I’m going to use 2-3 tbsp earlier & 4-5 tbsp more olive oil now. So, in between open the lid, scrape the sides, add some more oil & continue to grind, Until its consistency becomes somewhat like this. You can see that our pesto is ready.

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So, let’s see how to perfectly boil pasta. Bring the water to a rolling boil. It is very important that the water should be thoroughly boiled.

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Then add a large generous pinch of salt to this. After adding the salt, I’m adding penne pasta here. I’m adding 250 grams of pasta here. This amount will be sufficient to use up the entire pesto sauce batch.

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Set a timer & boil the pasta for 8 minutes. Just immediately after adding the pasta, stir once. Within 8 minutes, you can stir the pasta 2-3 times. The pasta can get stuck to the bottom of the pan sometimes. So, boil the pasta with an 8-minute timer.

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After that, I’ll remove the pasta & show it to you. When you cut it, you shouldn’t see the dry white ring in the center. When this ring has almost gone, which means that your pasta is perfectly cooked. When you bite into the pasta, then it should have a slight bite to it, which means it is ‘Al Dente’. It should be almost cooked or almost done. So, that is how your pasta should be boiled. If you like your pasta well cooked, then you can do that too. Nothing is really wrong. A lot of us Indians like properly cooked pasta.

Then boil it further for 2-3 minutes. Once your pasta is boiled, take it out into a strainer & strain it. If you are going to use the pasta a little later in time, then add some oil & mix it.

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Reserve the pasta water, don’t discard it. Transfer hot pasta to a bowl. Now, as per your requirement grate & add parmesan cheese. Along with that add the basil pesto that we made earlier & now stir it nicely.

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While stirring, if you feel that it is slightly dry, then add some pasta water to it. This is why we had reserved the pasta water. Stir it nicely to coat this pesto properly to the pasta.

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Once you have done this process, then taste it & season it as per your taste. Add some salt if needed & stir it again & our Pesto Pasta is ready.

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