Healthy Overnight Oats Recipe for Weight Loss | Best Oats Recipe Ever

1.For started the recipe take a frying pan and into that adding 3 tbsp or 20 grams old-fashioned rolled oats then lightly roasting the old-fashioned rolled oats.

Once the oats are lightly roasted, you see steam coming out from the pan the transfer the oats another plate and allow the oats are cold down completely.

3. While the oats are cooling down then getting the others ingredients, 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds are overnight soaked for sweetness use 5-6 black raisins also overnight soaked, and make this recipe i used 5-6 almond which are also overnight soaked.

4. Add the soaked and peeled almonds in the blender jar. into this adding one cup of water blend this well.

5. Into this adding one cup of water blend this well.

6. After this add the homemade almond milk into a bowl and add 2 tbsp chia seeds in it.Chia seed are good source of protein , fat and omega-3 healthy fat.

7. Next step adding in 1 tbsp homemade vegan curd but you also use dairy milk curd.

8. Then mix it well with help of a spoon.

9. After that adding the roasted and cold oats in it.

10. Then add black raisins for sweetness, you can also use dates.

11. For flavor adding 1 tbsp freshly ground cinnamon powder. Cinnamon not only gives amazing flavor but also boost your metabolism.

12. When everything nicely mixed cover it with a lid and refrigerate it overnight or at least 2 hours.

13. I am topping the oats with the chopped apple, however you can use any seasonal fruit for your choice.

14. And lastly sprinkling overnight soaked pumpkin seed on the top. Now our healthy overnight oats recipe for weight loss is ready.